Using Multiple Labels
- Add/Delete a label from field definition
- Select record field labels from Use tab of Record Field Properties dialog box.
- Note: The label ID must be unique so that each field definition label can be identified separately, and it must be entered using uppercase letters with no spaces.
View Field Definition Properties
- The General tab in the Field Properties dialog box provides a place for you to enter comments documenting the purpose of the field definition.
- The Owner ID drop-down list box enables you to select a valid owner, as in application project or role.
- The Last Updated group box contains information—date, time, and user ID—about the last time that the field definition was modified.
- The Translate Values tab is available only for character fields.
Changing Field Definitions
- Change field lengths and/ field types.
- Rename/Delete a field.
- Note: The above changes to field definition requires modification of the underlying SQL table.
Setting Custom Field Formats
- Understanding Format Notation
- Lexical characters delimit character expressions and designate interpretation rules.
- Literal characters represent only themselves.
- Meta characters represent a class of characters.
- Meta Symbols: #; 0; .; 9; A; Z; @
- Lexical Symbols: *; +; []; {}; ?; !; ~; \; ()
- Changing format families. Max Display Length
- Editing formats.
- Add, update, and delete stored and display formats.
- Enter a description for the family.
- Specify options, such as uppercase and smart punctuation, for the family.
- Using family options.
- Smart Punctuation
- Make uppercase
- Test formats.
- Stored Format Name
- Display Format Name
- DB->Display
- Display->DB