Error Handling in SQRs
a) Compilation stage using Begin-SQL on-error = skip/warn/stop
b) Execution stage using Begin-Select/SQL on-error={Procedure Name}
Performance Tuning
a) Load Lookup
b) Arrays
c) Multiple reports
d) Using SQT files
e) SQL Tuning
f) Bulk Operations using -Bnn
g) Proper programming logic
Run-time Variables: Ask & Input
Testing & Debugging
a) Display / Show
b) #ifDef/-Debug
c) Loops = nn
d) -Tnn : pages
Types of SQC's
1) Environment SQCs
Used to make SQR OS & Database independent.
Ex: setenv.sqc
2) Setup Section SQCs
Consists of setup section code.
Ex: setup31.sqc, setup01.sqc - Portrait
setup32.sqc, setup02.sqc - Landscape
3) Program Section SQCs
Consists of program section code. This looks like xxprogxx.sqc
Ex: hrprog31.sqc
4) Header SQCs
Consists of Heading section coding. This looks like sxxhdgxx.sqc
Ex: stdhdg31.sqc
5) Footer SQCs
Consists of Footing section coding. This looks like xxxfigxx.sqc
Ex: reset.sqc
6) API Aware SQCs
Used to execute SQR Programs on PS Batch Server
Ex: stdapi.sqc
7) Run-time SQCs
Consists of Ask/Input commands
8) Run Control SQCs
Consists of Run Control Parameters coding (only in n-tier)
9) Functional SQCs
Used to support different formats of data.
Ex: datetime.sqc to support different date formats.
10) Module Specific SQCs
Consists of module specific coding.
Command Line Flags
-Bnn: Bulk Operation
File Handling Commands
a) Open
b) Close
c) Read
d) Write
Running SQR on n-tier
1) Make SQR API Aware.
a) Include stdapi.sqc and setenv.sqc
b) Call stdapi-init and stdapi-term Procedures
2) Place SQR file in SQR directory.
3) Create Run Control Definitions
a) Run Control Table: OPRID and RUN_CNTL_ID must be high level key fields.
b) Run Control Page: PRCSRUNCNTL_SBP is inserted into the page.
c) Run Control Component: PSPRCSRUNCNTL is used as Search record.
4) Create Process Definition
Monday, July 25, 2011
SQR Concepts Part-2
Labels: SQR